Search by author: csppg


The Community Philanthropy Kaleidoscope

by Tobias Jung An ‘optical instrument for creating and exhibiting beautiful forms’[1], a kaleidoscope offers a seemingly endless variety of patterns by rearranging the position and reflection of different items.…

CSPPG at the 2022 ISTR and VSSN conferences

It is summer time and the conferences of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) and the Voluntary Sector Studies Network (VSSN) are on the horizon. If you are attending,…

The Handbook on Philanthrocapitalism

Steph Haydon, Tobias Jung and Shona Russell have been commissioned by Edward Elgar to edit a new Handbook on Philanthrocapitalism. Bringing together the latest knowledge and expertise on philanthrocapitalism, this…

Congratulations to Dr Steph Haywood

We are delighted to announce that Steph Haywood has successfully defended her thesis Habitus, Capitals, and Strategies: The Engagement of High-Net-Worth-Individuals in the UK Philanthrocapitalism Sub-Field.…

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School of Management
The Gateway, North Haugh
St Andrews
KY16 9RJ

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