Selected Journal Papers
In reciprocity, we trust: improving grantmaking through relational philanthropy
Janis Petzinger and Tobias Jung
Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 2024, 49(2) (Open access:
From Philanthropoid to Foundation Professional: Reflecting on a Century of Staff Role Development in U.S. Private Foundations
Michele Fugiel Gartner, Tobias Jung, Alina Baluch
The Foundation Review, 2023 15(2)
Pragmatism, partnerships, and persuasion: theorizing philanthropic foundations in the global policy agora
Janis Petzinger, Tobias Jung, and Kevin Orr
Policy and Society, Online First, 2023 (Open access:
What lies beneath? Spectrality as a focal phenomenon and a focal theory for strengthening engagement with philanthropic foundations.
Tobias Jung and Kevin Orr
International Journal of Management Reviews, 2021, 23(3):312-329 (Open access:
“You’ve Been Framed” : a critical review of academic discourse on philanthrocapitalism.
Stephanie Haydon, Tobias Jung, Shona Russell
International Journal of Management Reviews, 2021, 23(3):353-375 (Open access:
Supply chain regulation in Scottish social care : facilitators and barriers
Phil James, Alina Baluch, Ian Cunningham, and Anne Marie Cullen
Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol. Online First, 15.03.2021
“Uncertainty is the only certainty”: how pragmatic sociology provides a theoretical framework for researching the third sector during COVID 19
Janis Petzinger, Tobias Jung, Kevin Orr
Voluntary Sector Review, 2021, 12(1):137-142
The European philanthropy manifesto: ‘clearly needed and a very good thing’?
Jenny Harrow and Tobias Jung
Voluntary Sector Review, 2020, 11(3):383-394
Accounting and accountability in the Anthropocene
Jan Bebbington, Henrik Österblom, Beatrice Crona, Jean-Baptiste Jouffray, Carlos Larring, Shona Russell, and Bert Scholtens
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 2020, 33(1):152-177.
Mapping philanthropic foundations’ characteristics: towards an international integrative framework of foundation types
Tobias Jung, Jenny Harrow and Diana Leat
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2018, 47(5):893-917
Also part of the NVSQ Editor’s Choice Top Articles from 2018-2019 Virtual Special Issue
Foundations in the U.K.: Organizations and Nations in a State of Flux
Tobias Jung
American Behavioral Scientist, 2018, 62(13):1933-1955
Mapping the research landscape of strategic human resource management in nonprofit organizations: a systematic review and avenues for future research
Alina M Baluch and Hans-Gerd Ridder
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2020, Online First
Philanthropy and community development: the vital signs of community foundation?
Jenny Harrow and Tobias Jung
Community Development Journal, 2016, 51(1):132-152
Debate: Thou shalt have impact, total impact – government involvement in philanthropic foundations’ decision-making
Jenny Harrow and Tobias Jung
Public Money & Management, 2015, 35(3):176-178
New development: philanthropy in networked governance—treading with care
Tobias Jung and Jenny Harrow
Public Money & Management, 2015, 35(1):47-52
When funders do direct advocacy: an exploration of the United Kingdom’s Corston Independent Funders’ Coalition
Tobias Jung, Julia Kaufmann and Jenny Harrow
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2014, 43(1):36-56
Developing a better understanding of community foundations in the UK’s localisms
Tobias Jung, Jenny Harrow and Susan Phillips
Policy & Politics, 2013, 41(3):409-427
Philanthropy is Dead; Long Live Philanthropy?
Jenny Harrow and Tobias Jung
Public Management Review, 2011, 13(8):1047-1056
Selected Books
Change Management in Nonprofit Organizations: Theory and Practice
Kunle Akingbola, Sean Edmund Rogers, Alina Baluch
(2019) Palgrave Macmillan: Cham
The Routledge Companion to Philanthropy
Tobias Jung, Susan D Phillips and Jenny Harrow (eds.)
(2016), Routledge: London
Philanthropic Foundations, Public Good and Public Policy
Diana Leat
(2016) Palgrave Macmillan
Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations
Alina Baluch
(2012) Routledge: New York
Selected Book Chapters
The Nonprofit sectors’ rich relations? Foundations and their grantmaking activities
Tobias Jung
in Anheier, A and S Toepler (eds.) (2020) The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management, Routledge: London
‘The most striking progressive achievement in labor and employment policy’? The Scottish Living Wage in Social Care during Austerity.
Alina Baluch
in Baines, D and Cunningham, I (eds.) (2020) Working in the Context of Austerity: Challenges and Struggles, Bristol University Press
Providing foundations: philanthropy, global policy and administration
Tobias Jung and Jenny Harrow
in Stone, D and K Moloney (eds.) (2019) The Oxford Handbook of Global Policy and Transnational Administration, Oxford University Press: Oxford
Strategic Human Resource Management
Hans-Gerd Ridder and Alina Baluch
in Word, JKA and JE Sowa (eds.) (2017) The Nonprofit Human Resource Management Handbook: from theory to practice, Taylor & Francis: London
Philanthropy: knowledge, practice and blind hope
Tobias Jung and Jenny Harrow
in Orr, K, Nutley, S, Bain, R, Hacking, B and S Russell (eds.) (2016) Knowledge and Practice in Business and Organisations, Routledge: London
Social Impact Bonds: exploring and understanding an emerging funding approach
Jim Clifford and Tobias Jung
in Lehner, O (ed.) (2016), The Routledge Handbook of Social and Sustainable Finance, Routledge: London
Philanthropy, the State and Public Goods
Tobias Jung and Jenny Harrow
in Guerrero O., P and P Wilkins (eds.) Doing Public Good? Private Actors, Evaluation, and Public Value (2016), Transaction Publishers: London
A New ‘New’ Philanthropy: from impetus to impact
Susan Phillips and Tobias Jung
in Jung, T, Phillips S and J Harrow (eds.), 2016, The Routledge Companion to Philanthropy, Routledge: London
Community foundations: agility in the duality of foundation and community
Jenny Harrow, Tobias Jung and Susan Phillips
in Jung, T, Phillips S and J Harrow (eds.), 2016, The Routledge Companion to Philanthropy, Routledge: London
The Ubers of Philanthropy
Susan Phillips and Tobias Jung
in Jung, T, Phillips S and J Harrow (eds.), 2016, The Routledge Companion to Philanthropy, Routledge: London
The role of community foundations in the Big Society: taken for granted?
Hannah Pavey, Jenny Harrow and Tobias Jung
in Centre for Charitable Giving & Philanthropy (2012), Alliance Publishing Trust: London
Selected Reports
The Community Philanthropy Potpourri. Emerging themes from academic and practice literatures on community philanthropy
Judith Hughes and Tobias Jung
Centre for the Study of Philanthropy & Public Good, 2020, St Andrews
Philanthropy education in the UK and continental Europe: current provision, perceptions and opportunities
Charles Keidan, Tobias Jung and Cathy Pharoah
Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy, Cass Business School City University of London, University of St Andrews, 2014
The full report is available at
Donor cultivation in theory and practice
Jenny Harrow, Tobias Jung and Hannah Pavey
Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy / Arts & Business Scotland, 2011, London/Edinburgh