Annual Philanthropy Talk 2019: Good Bankers and Good Citizens

Friday 20 September 2019

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On 10th October 2019, we will be welcoming Alexander Hoare, Partner and Director of C. Hoare & Co., the UK’s oldest privately owned bank, to give our Centre’s second annual philanthropy talk.

Banker, philanthropist and social investor, Alexander is the recipient of the City Philanthropy 2017 Beacon Award, an award that celebrates change-making philanthropy. With a keen interest in social finance and venture philanthropy, Alexander will talk about his own philanthropic journey, how this has been influenced by his family’s history and the bank’s activities, and he will use his experiences and insights to reflect and comment on contemporary philanthropy’s opportunities and challenges.

Alexander graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a B.Comm with honours in marketing and is the first of the eleventh generation of C. Hoare & Co. Partners. Prior to joining the bank he worked as a Marketing Consultant for PA Consulting Group until joining the bank in 1987. He was Chief Executive of the bank from 2001 until 2009.

He is a Patron of Royal Trinity Hospice, and was formerly a President of the Groupement Européen de Banques and a member of the Westminster Abbey Finance and Advisory Council. He now serves as a founder partner in Project Snowball LLP in the field of social and impact investing.

The talk will take place at 4:15pm, LR3/4, School of Management, The Gateway, St Andrews.

The event is free but registration is required.


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