Exploring relational philanthropy – Mercers Company

Dr Janis Petzinger will present her research on relational philanthropy to the philanthropy team at London’s Mercers Company. Discussing the lexicon of ‘added-value philanthropy’ that resembles a pull between philanthrocapitalism and relational philanthropy, Dr Petzinger will explore the promises and pitfalls of philanthrocapitalism and financialised philanthropy, and how the UK foundation world is shifting best…

Exploring UK foundations’ grantmaking approaches – Catalyst for Impact

Dr Janis Petzinger will lead a session at the ‘Catalyst for Impact’ charity network event exploring UK foundations' historic and contemporary grantmaking approaches. She will show how foundations have tackled poverty through different forms of knowledge: a top-down approach, whereby foundations pull from rationalist, financialised approaches, and a bottom-up approach, where foundations embed themselves locally…

Strengthening Community Philanthropy

Spread across multiple settings, fields and disciplines, the notion of community philanthropy is appealing and multi-faceted; it presents an ever-changing arrangement of principles, practices, patterns and perceptions that cover a diversity of interrelated ideas and ideals. However, knowledge and understanding of community philanthropy remain emergent; more diversity in views and voices and a better critically…

Towards a Philanthropy for the 21st Century? From Philanthrocapitalism to Relational Philanthropy and Beyond

Japan NPO Center Shin-Otemachi Building, Tokyo, Japan

Seminar for the Japan NPO Research Association (JANPORA) by Tobias Jung For over a century, philanthropy has been on the search for more effective and efficient approaches to giving. Historically, this journey has ranged from Andrew Carnegie’s idea of ‘scientific philanthropy’, to recent notions of ‘venture philanthropy’, ‘entrepreneurial philanthropy’, and ‘philathrocapitalism’. These approaches, characterised by…

Together for Good: workshop 1

The Gateway

This first workshop in our Together for Good series will examine the current state of philanthropy in Scotland. It will identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges within the contemporary Scottish philanthropy landscape, and explore and interrogate innovative practices, models, and technologies to address these. To reserve a space, please visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/together-for-good-crafting-scotlands-philanthropic-journey-workshop-1-tickets-1053293933509?aff=oddtdtcreator